In a world as competitive as ours, sometimes it is easy to forget that collaboration is the key to success. Our corporate clients leave as a group; return as a community. They learn to lead, to communicate and to thrive together - all skills that they bring home and apply together in the workplace, often subconsciously, after building lasting bonds on their adventure.

Imagine a corporate culture where your key performers are all working together to bring success to your business. Imagine an office where your management team communicates seamlessly to reach the company’s objectives for that quarter.

Imagine an office environment where your staff are physically and emotionally healthy, happy and share common life-changing experiences that bonds them closer to one another.

We specialise in creating custom team-building adventures that involve pre-planned and prepared activities and events that aim to provide qualitative and quantitative results for you to evaluate your staff and build trust and collaboration amongst teams.

Perhaps you need a key group of executives to work better together, or maybe you need to evaluate candidates for specific high-level roles within the company by observing how they react to different situations.

Maybe you want to reward your top performers with a once-in-a-lifetime experience, or you want to ingrain a culture of physical and emotional wellbeing amongst your staff.

Whatever your motivations, we can tailor-make experiences for you to get the most out of your staff.

See for yourself

Watch one of our corporate groups as they travel to Nepal as a group of colleagues, but return home as a team with shared experiences that allow them to work better and communicate better together, as shown in their post-trip interviews.